Why ClickFunnels Is Perfect For Hosting An Online Course

Why ClickFunnels is Essential For Hosting an Online Course
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If your job is creating and selling online courses, you know how important it is to have a system in place to deliver your products to your customers.

People’s first instinct is to use an online course hosting platform, which makes sense, but there is a more effective option: ClickFunnels. This is a website and sales funnel builder that is a great choice for online course hosting.

Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about ClickFunnels so you can decide if it’s right for your business. 

What is a Sales Funnel?

Before we get into all of the advantages of ClickFunnels, it’s important to understand the premise of a sales funnel.

Without the right tools, it’s difficult to track the number of customers that explore your products and services, as well as the percentage of those customers who actually complete a purchase.

Sales funnels help businesses learn more about their target audience so they can pose solutions to their problems. A sales funnel is the path that a website visitor takes from initial interest to completed action.

There are many strategies for optimizing your sales funnel. The way that you create your funnel can determine the success of your sales efforts.

Setting up a sales funnel can be complicated. That’s where ClickFunnels comes in. This tool is the most reliable platform for building effective and organized sales funnels.

Why is ClickFunnels So Popular? 

Sales funnel software became available within these last few years. Other programs could be used to build landing pages.

Those used to be the only option, but one of the problems with the software is that you’d have to buy other software to access important features that the landing page builder didn’t have.

It was too easy to make structural mistakes that would disrupt the sales funnel. Sales would begin to drop, and it was hard to understand why.

ClickFunnels changed this by making an easy-to-use sales funnel builder. The program offers users many useful features, including: 

  • Lead generation
  • 1-click upsell shopping carts
  • Follow-up funnels
  • And more

It’s Multi-Use

Even though ClickFunnels isn’t considered an online course host, it can function in place of one. If you already use ClickFunnels to create sales funnels, why would you buy additional software if ClickFunnels offers the same capabilities?

If you do purchase another software, you’ll have to integrate those systems somehow so they operate in sync and communicate with each other. Otherwise, you run the risk of the programs clashing.

You Can Host and Control Your Funnel on the Same Domain

When you launch your online course, you will have had to purchase a domain that relates to the name of your course. You then build your sales funnel through this domain, so it’s easy for potential clients to search for your course and complete a purchase.

If you use a separate program to host the course, you’ll likely be asked to register it under a domain. Since you’ve already used the domain to build your sales funnel, you won’t be able to host the course.

You’ll have to create a separate domain or subdomain, which can be confusing for you since you’ll have a harder time tracking analytics. It can also be confusing for students who want to store their login information.

ClickFunnels allows you to create a membership area using the same domain. This allows you to be consistent with your branding so your students aren’t confused.

It’s Efficient

One of the best things about ClickFunnels is that you can create funnel pages and host courses very quickly.

The platform is well-designed. You can easily add customizations to any of your pages, capture leads, add products to your funnels, and increase conversions using split tests.

It’s super easy to create membership areas for hosting training and subscriptions. Members will be able to create accounts and have content delivered directly to them based on a schedule that they make.

Easy Upsells, Downsells, and One-Time Offers

In the landscape of sales funnel software, ClickFunnels is an industry leader. The goal of your business shouldn’t just be to sell more products. You should also encourage people to a larger sum of money.

Upselling is a technique where you entice a customer to buy something more expensive or purchase upgrades and add-ons.

ClickFunnels has an effective upselling feature that can increase your net profits exponentially.

You Can Run & Manage Affiliate Campaigns

ClickFunnels has a useful Backpack program that allows you to run affiliate campaigns for any of your products. Using affiliates is especially beneficial if the course is expensive.

It’s Easy to Customize

If you have some experience with web design, you’ll be happy to know that ClickFunnels lets you add CSS and design your pages in the way that works best for you.

Other software only lets you use pre-made templates that either doesn’t reflect your brand or aren’t easily navigable.

Types of Online Courses You Can Host

There are many types of courses that you can host using ClickFunnels. Here are some of the most popular options and the reasons why they are so widely used:

Video Courses

Some users prefer to learn by reading how-to content and in-depth guides. However, the majority of people prefer to learn by watching videos, which are shared more frequently than other types of content.

Videos make it easy for people to digest information. In a video, you have more opportunities to grab your audience’s attention and keep them interested in the subject matter.

If you decide that you want to create and host video courses, you should consider investing money into production quality. Otherwise, your audience won’t be as trusting of your content, and they’ll go looking elsewhere.

High-quality, focused videos can lead users straight through to your funnel and see their purchase through to the end.


Web “gurus” are more popular than ever. People are looking for a slice of wisdom wherever they can get it. There’s tremendous value in offering your niche expertise to a wide audience.

Webinars make it easy to share your knowledge and perspective with people. Like video courses, webinars let you communicate with students in real-time and answer questions as soon as they’re asked.

Strategies for Launching an Online Course

When you create a digital course, there are a few strategies that you may want to follow to achieve success. You can push the key selling points of your course through headlines, body copy, and other types of content within your funnel.

Include a Money-Back-Guarantee

The money-back-guarantee is a tried and true tactic. To put it simply, it just works. When you offer a money-back guarantee, you are telling potential clients that you are so confident in your product that you’ll allow them to make their purchase with no strings attached.

If they don’t like the product, they won’t have to feel like they just wasted their money. It also positions you as a trustworthy brand.  

Guarantees are a great way to make potential customers feel safe.

Urgency as Motivation 

Another tried and true marketing strategy is to use urgency as motivation. What we mean by this is that if a user feels like they are losing something if they don’t sign up for your online course, they’ll be more tempted to join.

Or, if you remind one of your leads that they won’t have access to a special promotion or discount unless they sign up soon, they’ll be inclined to take your offer.

In terms of an online course, you can create urgency by reminding your audience that there’s only a limited number of seats available. To avoid missing out on the opportunity, they may secure their spot sooner.

Another way to promote urgency is to offer your audience a special promotion only if they respond to the offer within a specified period. For example, you could offer 20% only to the people who click a link provided through a marketing email.

Try ClickFunnels Today

ClickFunnels is an excellent, well-organized software that makes it easy to build sales funnels and host online courses.

There’s no point in using an outside program to host your course if you’re already a ClickFunnels user. It has all of the functions and capabilities that you would need to do so.

We hope you see why Clickfunnels is important and helpful if you have an online course you are eager to sell. Use ClickFunnels to manage affiliate campaigns, upsell or downsell, run your funnel, and host your course on the same domain.

Click here to read other helpful guides.

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