What is GetResponse Workflow And How Does It Work?

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What do you get when you combine all of the filters, conditions, and actions used to communicate with and understand your subscribers? GetResponse workflow, that’s what.

A workflow is a marketing software by GetResponse, generally speaking, it is a way of building a communication pattern with email marketing. It can be something as small and simple as a message that’s sent out to anyone that clicked on a complicated online promotion to break things down easier. It can also get quite complex. With a workflow system, they can stay streamlined and clear.

There are a lot of workflow options out there, so we’re breaking down the GetResponse workflow so that you can enhance your marketing strategy and take your potential client communication to the next level.

Building Your GetResponse Workflow

In order to create an effective workflow through GetResponse, the first thing you’ll need to do is head to the main menu and find the Automation option. From there, you’ll see a “create workflow” subcategory option. Click on that.

Now you’ll be able to pick between the two workflow options: pre-built template or custom creation.

For a custom workflow, you want to build it from scratch with your unique combination of conditions, actions, and filters. 

To use a pre-built template, note that there are filters, conditions, and activities pre-configured into it. If none of the pre-built template options work to reach your goal, you can simply create your own customized version of one with the scratch method. 

Important Components of the Workflow

When you’re building out your GetResponse workflow, there are a few aspects you don’t want to go without. Having these components pre-planned and built into the process will make things a whole lot easier. 

The components you’ll need to include will vary based on what your unique needs are. For example, if you are focusing on gathering email addresses via a sign-up page on your website, you’ll want to include a landing page directory in your GetResponse workflow account. 

Once you have these kinds of conditions built into your account, creating the workflow around it becomes much simpler. The marketing automation workspace helps out here. You can create your automation workflow outline, save progress, and then begin creating assets. 


How Workflows Help

A strong workflow is a huge advantage and a great email marketing tool. It will help get your marketing activities going while remaining flexible and allowing space for continual creativity. In using GetResponse, you can create that adaptable process. Once it’s built, finding space to plug in your goals becomes a breeze.

Some of the many benefits GetResponse workflow adds include:

  1. Helpful in collecting actionable information from email subscribers.
  2. Its automation tools make it easy to build models and tag functions that will learn subscriber behavior.
  3. You can add filters in order to target specific subscribers.
  4. It helps you through the whole process: design, functionality, and performance of your workflow.
  5. It can run without much management for a very long time.
  6. It’s scalable! As you grow, your workflow can grow with you.

Using Data to Help

The whole purpose of using a workflow is to get better results in your marketing efforts. In order for that to happen, the data you’re gathering must be continuous. It also must be able to show valuable insights about your audience. In combining your goals, your marketing creativity, and your internal business understanding, you’ll be able to enhance your functions as much as possible. 

Most business owners have a general idea of who their target customers are. The more you fine-tune your knowledge using the data provided, the better results you’ll see in your workflow. For instance, you can tell your workflow to automatically send an email to follow up on a new subscriber, someone who opened an email, or someone who took an action on your site.

Working with a lot of data can be overwhelming, but with GetResponse’s game-based scoring system, it turns tracking your progress into something easy to understand. You can assign points to actions like the ones listed above and begin collecting points after positive actions are taken. On the other hand, you can also lose points when negative actions are taken. By breaking it down this way, it’s easy to understand where your successes and failures are falling within the workflow.

Get Started with a Workflow

Workflows are a great modern asset to anyone’s marketing team. Through automation and audience learning, you can begin making great progress in your marketing strategy. Want more information?

Learn what a workflow is on GetResponse

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